ESSENTIA introduces the SMART of make up : compact, functional, modular and refillable. A patented packaging innovation.
Essentia provides full service beauty solutions from concept to delivery to serve start-up to scale-up brands. We understand and respond to consumer expectations and provide brands with something new and distinctive. We accomplish this through creativity and investing in global trends that complement our core values considering sustainability as a top priority.
In recent years we have been working on designing intuitive refill systems.
One such example is our patented SMART PALETTE system which delivers total looks in very compact format – a perfect lip-eyes combo that can be customized by the consumer for shades and textures of choice. Mix and match according to your brand’s positioning. Compact, it saves 50% of wasted plastic after the first round of use, compared with single use systems and saves 84% after only 3 refill cycles.
The light-weight all in one format is also the perfect on-the-go makeup kit.
We have two models of the palette available with unique design features in order to match different brand requirements. Additionally, these come in two options: all plastic PET and PETG and a premium version with an overshell in aluminium.
Concerning others product categories, we have been working on innovative solutions for solid fragrance both at the formulation level and on sustainable packaging solution with a variety of refill system packagings as an hybrid pendant/perfume case features patented ‘up and down’ system and secret recess for storing perfume and much more.